API Documentation

Optional Settings

The following optional settings can go into settings.py to change the functionality of RPC4Django


By default RPC4Django will log (using the python logging module) all requests and responses. This can be disabled by setting this to False.


By default RPC4Django registers the standard XMLRPC and JSONRPC introspection functions. This can be disabled by setting this to True.


If True, RPC4Django will never serve a JSONRPC request. Instead, either XMLRPC will be tried or status code 404 will be returned. Defaults to False.


If True, RPC4Django will never serve an XMLRPC request. Instead, either JSONRPC will be tried or status code 404 will be returned. Defaults to False.


If True, status code 404 will be returned instead of serving the method summary as a response to a GET request. Defaults to False.


If True, the method summary will not allow testing via JSONRPC from the generated method summary page. Defaults to False


If True, RPC4Django does not attempt to convert any of the method summary docstrings to restructured text. Defaults to False.


If False, enables out of the box authentication via the RPC methods system.login and system.logout. Out of the box authentication should NOT be considered secure when used without SSL or TLS. Defaults to True.


If True, RPC4Django will respond to OPTIONS requests with the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to the given value. This pertains to allowing cross site requests with cookies. See the Mozilla documentation on requests with credentials for more details. Defaults to False.


RPC4Django will respond to OPTIONS requests with the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the given value. This pertains to allowing cross site requests. See the Mozilla documentation on preflighted requests for more details. Defaults to the empty string.


Subclass of rpc4django.jsonrpcdispatcher.json.JSONEncoder or string pointing to the subclass. It can be used to serialize objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. Defaults to django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder.


If True, ate/time values to be presented as datetime.datetime objects object instead of XMLRPC DateTime. Defaults to True.


If True, date/time values to be presented as datetime.datetime objects and binary data to be presented as bytes objects. Defaults to True.